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Based on the perpasive “Contribute to improving the quality of life of patients”, our group’s management philosophy is “Contribute to medical care through the development and marketing of superior, state-of-the-art medical devices”. Based on joint development between Japan and the U.S., we are striving for sustainable development and enhancement of corporate value by providing valuable medical devices to the medical market not only in Japan but also in the world.
Looking back on our history, since our establishment in 1973, we have expanded our business through the import and sale of bone fracture treatment materials, entering the U.S. market in 1994, and in 2012, we have been working to transform our business format from a trading company to a manufacturer by strengthening our manufacturer function to provide treatment materials suitable for the Japanese skeletal structure.
In 2021, we will also enter the Chinese market, promoting efforts to realize our philosophy of “contributing to healthcare.
On the other hand, the Japanese orthopedic surgery market is facing a difficult environment due to increasing social security costs associated with an aging population, reductions in reimbursement prices, and rising procurement costs caused by the weak yen.
However, with the population over 65 years old expected to account for about 35% of the total population by 2040, the orthopedic surgery market is expected to expand in the U.S. and China, where the geriatric population is also expected to grow.
Our group aims to further develop and grow by responding to the diverse medical needs of each country and region.
In light of this environment, the Group has formulated its long-term VISION “RT500” (fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 – fiscal year ending March 31, 2033) to realize Purpose, and aims to “understand the needs of the medical field and provide services that contribute to improving the value of treatment with a high level of expertise and quality.
We intend to build a more attractive Japan MDM Group by addressing materiality issues for all stakeholders as well.
In addition, we will strive to create an attractive and appealing Group of companies by addressing materiality and sustainability issues in a company-wide effort for the benefit of all stakeholders.
We appreciate your continued understanding and support of our group.
Representative Director and President Toshiyuki Hironaka