Financial / Achievements

  • Financial Highlights
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheets
  • Cash Flows
  • Segment Information
  • Capital expenditures / R&D

Financial Highlights

Consolidated Financial Highlights

2022 2023 2024
Net Sales(Millions of yen) 19,193 21,307 23,177
Operating Profit(Millions of yen) 2,661 2,024 1,746
Net Profit(Millions of yen) 2,135 1,423 1,271
Total Assets(Millions of yen) 27,342 29,434 31,485
Stockholders’ Equity(Millions of yen) 21,491 23,292 25,603
Operating Profit ratio(%) 13.9 9.5 7.5
Net Income ratio(%) 11.1 6.7 5.5
Return on Stockholders’ Equity (ROE)(%) 10.7 6.4 5.2
Return on Assets (ROA)(%) 9.9 7.2 6.1
Equity ratio(%) 78.2 78.7 81.0
Earning Per Share (EPS)(yen) 80.95 54.03 48.31
1 Stockholders’ Equity per Share(yen) 810.59 880.64 968.74


Income Statement

Consolidated Statements of Income

Year 2022 2023 2024
Net Sales(Millions of yen) 19,193 21,307 23,177
Cost of Sales(Millions of yen) 6,204 7,315 8,415
Gross Profit(Millions of yen) 12,988 13,992 14,762
Selling General and Administrative Expenses(Millions of yen) 10,327 11,967 13,015
Operating Profit(Millions of yen) 2,661 2,024 1,746
Non Operating Income(Millions of yen) 23 146 213
Non Operating Expenses(Millions of yen) 93 127 116
Ordinary Profit(Millions of yen) 2,591 2,043 1,842
Extraordinary Gains(Millions of yen) 310 25
Extraordinary Losses(Millions of yen) 152 299 206
Net Income Before Income Taxes(Millions of yen) 2,749 1,769 1,636
Income Taxes(Millions of yen) 608 334 331
Net Profit(Millions of yen) 2,135 1,423 1,271

Balance Sheets

Consolidated Balance Sheets

year 2022 2023 2024
Current Assets(Millions of yen) 18,046 19,975 21,582
Notes and Accounts Receivable, Trade(Millions of yen)
Notes and accounts receivable – trade, and contract assets(Millions of yen) 5,212 5,270 5,915
Inventories(Millions of yen) 10,095 11,605 13,092
Other Current Assets(Millions of yen) 2,738 3,098 2,574
Fixed Assets(Millions of yen) 9,296 9,459 9,902
Tangible(Millions of yen) 7,772 7,744 8,320
Intangible(Millions of yen) 291 263 219
Investments and Other Asset(Millions of yen) 1,231 1,451 1,363
Total Assets(Millions of yen) 27,342 29,434 31,485
Year 2022 2023 2024
Current Liabilities(Millions of yen) 2,899 3,627 4,030
Notes and Accounts Payable, Trade(Millions of yen) 785 979 1,403
Short-term Bank Borrowings(Millions of yen) 557 1,046 1,162
Other Current Liabilities(Millions of yen) 1,556 1,601 1,464
Long-Term Liabilities(Millions of yen) 2,951 2,515 1,851
Long-term Bank Borrowings(Millions of yen) 1,247 732 259
Other Long-Term Liabilities(Millions of yen) 1,704 1,783 1,591
Total Liabilities(Millions of yen) 5,851 6,142 5,882
Stockholders’ Equity
Year 2022 2023 2024
Common Stock(Millions of yen) 3,001 3001 3001
Capital Surplus(Millions of yen) 2,587 2,587 2,587
Retained Earning(Millions of yen) 14,550 15,656 16,583
Unrealized Gains on Securities(Millions of yen)
Deferred Gains or Losses on Hedges(Millions of yen) 30 47
Adjustments on Foreign Currency Statement Translation(Millions of yen) 1,351 2,163 3,614
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans(Millions of yen) 7 -74 -157
Treasury Stocks(Millions of yen) -111 -202 -165
Minority Interests(Millions of yen) 104 130 92
Total Stockholders’ Equity(Millions of yen) 21,491 23,292 25,603
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity(Millions of yen) 27,342 29,434 31,485
Liabilities with interest(Millions of yen) 1,848 1,871 1,494


Cash Flows

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Year 2022 2023 2024
Cash Flows From Operating Activities(Millions of yen) 3,111 2,186 2,104
Cash Flows From Investing Activities(Millions of yen) -1,750 -1,481 -1,804
Cash Flows From Financing Activities(Millions of yen) -1,287 -514 -840
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents(Millions of yen) 50 24 57
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents(Millions of yen) 124 214 -483
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year(Millions of yen) 2,466 2,590 2,804
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year(Millions of yen) 2,590 2,804 2,321


Segment Information

Consolidated Segment Information

Year 2022 2023 2024
Orthopedic trauma devices(Millions of yen) 4,115 4,322 4,563
Joint replacements(Millions of yen) 11,764 13,649 15,074
Spinal fixation devices(Millions of yen) 3,151 3,226 3,354
Ceramic artificial bone(Millions of yen) 216
Other medical devices(Millions of yen) 231 354 390
Sales deduction※(Note)(Millions of yen) 286 244 204
Total(Millions of yen) 19,479 21,307 23,177
Own-brand products sales(Millions of yen) 15,441 17,378 18,749
Overseas sales(Millions of yen) 7,070 8,951 10,173

◆ Ceramic artificial bone will be included in Other medical devices from 2023.
※(Note)As a result of the adoption of the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition” (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020) from the beginning of the fiscal year under review, rebates, which were previously included as part of promotion expenses in Japan, have been deducted from net sales. As the amount of such deduction cannot be reasonably prorated by item, it is shown in a lump sum as “Sales deduction” in the table above.

Capital expenditures / R&D

Year 2022 2023 2024
Capital Expenditures(Millions of yen) 1,665 1,317 1,916
Share of sales(%) 8.7 6.2 8.3
Depreciation & Amortization(Millions of yen) 1,420 1,549 1,595
Share of sales(%) 7.4 7.3 6.9
R&D Expenses(Millions of yen) 485 662 874
Share of sales(%) 2.5 3.1 3.8