Efforts to Respect Human Rights

Human Rights Policy of JMDM Group

Basic Philosophy

Based on its management philosophy of “Contributing to Medical Care through the Development and Sale of Advanced Medical Devices,” JMDM Group recognizes that all of its business activities must be based on the premise of respect for human rights. The entire company is committed to promoting respect for human rights and making every effort to fulfill its responsibilities.

  1. Stance

    In accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which stipulates these fundamental rights at work(1) The effective recognition of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, (2) The prohibition of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, (3) The effective abolition of child labor, and (4) The elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we hereby set forth the Human Rights Policy of JMDM Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) and will promote our efforts to respect human rights.

  2. Scope

    This policy applies to all executives and employees of the JMDM Group (including contract employees, seconded employees, temporary employees, part-time employees, and part-time workers). In addition, JMDM Group expects its business partners and other related parties to comply with this policy.

  3. Compliance with applicable laws and Regulations and respect for internationally recognized human rights

    JMDM Group will comply with the national laws and regulations of the country in each region where it operates. Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of the respective countries, we will pursue ways to respect international human rights principles.

  4. Responsibility to respect human rights

    JMDM Group recognizes that there could be potential negative impacts on human rights in its corporate activities. In order to prevent or mitigate any such impacts, we will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights by not infringing on the human rights of those affected by our corporate activities, and by taking appropriate measures to correct and remedy any negative impacts that our corporate activities may cause or contribute to.

  5. Human rights due diligence

    In order to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights through the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, JMDM Group will establish and continuously implement a human rights due diligence mechanism. This due diligence will include taking steps to identify, prevent, and mitigate any potential negative human rights impact, evaluating the effectiveness of our efforts, and disclosing an explanation of how they have been addressed.

  6. Remediation

    In the event that the business activities of JMDM Group cause or contribute to negative impact on human rights, we will work to prevent or mitigate such negative impacts through appropriate procedures and dialogue for correction and remedy. In cases where the business, products, or services of our business partners, suppliers, or other business relationships are directly related to negative human rights impact, the company will encourage them to take appropriate actions to prevent or mitigate the negative human rights impact. In addition, we have established a reporting window (internal reporting system) available to executives and employees, and will work to build a more comprehensive remedy, including providing a point of contact for external stakeholders.

  7. Conversation and Consultation

    In its efforts to respect human rights, JMDM Group will utilize the knowledge of independent external human rights experts, and will engage in sincere dialogue and consultation with stakeholders who are or may be affected by our corporate activities.

  8. Education

    JMDM Group will provide appropriate education to all officers and employees to ensure that this policy is incorporated into and implemented in all business activities, and will work to raise awareness of human rights.

  9. Responsibility for Implementation

    On behalf of JMDM Group, the Board of Directors oversees compliance with this policy and its initiatives, and the executive officer in charge is responsible for its implementation.

  10. Disclosure of Information

    The progress and results of human rights initiatives based on this policy will be reported through the website of JMDM Group.

April 1, 2023
Japan Medical Dynamic Marketing, INC.
Representative Director and President
Toshiyuki Hironaka
Established in March 1, 2023

Human Rights Due Diligence at MDM Japan

In accordance with our human rights policy, we are promoting respect for human rights within the Group.As part of its efforts to respect human rights, each year the Compliance Department conducts a human rights due diligence questionnaire to ensure that no human rights violations occur. The Compliance Division reports the results of the questionnaire to the Sustainability Committee, and if any human rights issues are identified through interviews or other means, corrective action and remedial measures are taken. The Sustainability Committee shall report to the Board of Directors on the results of the questionnaire survey and the existence or non-existence of human rights issues.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process

Identifying Negative Impacts on Human Rights

We have identified the following potential human rights risks for employees in line with our company’s situation around the ILO Core Labor Standards

▶Human Rights Risk

  • Awareness of respect for human rights
  • Excessive and unreasonable working hours, treatment and adequate wages in the workplace, occupational health and safety
  • Harassment, invasion of privacy, discrimination
  • Access to Remedies

Our human rights policy is based on the International Code of Conduct (ILO Core Labour Standards) and identifies risks tied to the following four elements.
(1) effective recognition of the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, (2) prohibition of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, (3) effective abolition of child labor, and (4) elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.

ILO Core Labour Standards that are not included in the internal survey questionnaire: Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining (No trade union in the company) / Child Labour (No employee under 15 years old in the company)

Human Rights Due Diligence Survey Results

1) Report on the results of Human Rights Due Diligence for JMDM Emproyees. (2024)

Survey period

August 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024

Survey targets

All employees (response rate: 99%)

Survey items/contents

Based on the four core labor standards set forth in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the main survey items were (1) awareness of respect for human rights, (2) excessive and unfair working hours, (3) treatment and adequate wages at the workplace, (4) occupational health and safety, (5) harassment, (6) invasion of privacy, (7) discrimination, and (8) access to redress. The survey also included a free-response section to allow for a more specific and detailed understanding of the opinions of the employees.

Survey Results

As a result of individual hearings based on comments that employees could freely write, there were no cases of serious human rights problems. However, there were a small number of comments that could lead to harassment, etc., and we will take careful measures to address these individually in the future. There were also some cases in which improvement in working hour management was deemed necessary, and the entire company will reiterate detailed explanations of overtime applications, etc., to ensure proper working hour management. We have also confirmed that 25% of employees are not aware of the company’s dispute resolution process (internal reporting system), which we regard as an issue, and have informed those who are not aware of the system.

Promotion of diverse human resources
(Career Management System)

Human Resource Development Policy

  1. We will promote the reinforcement and operation of a system (CMS (Career Management System)) that allows each employee to think about his/her career, and to develop career through interaction with the company and his/her supervisor.(CMS (Career Management System)), a system that allows each employee to think about his or her career and develop his or her career through interaction with the company and supervisors.
  2. We will foster a “sense of contribution” for the benefit of society, healthcare, patients, and colleagues.
  3. We will promote the “exercise of individuality” of all employees so that they can play an active role regardless of their attributes, valuing their “individuality.
  4. We will promote the use of training programs based on our original job classification and list of job requirements, with an awareness of career paths.
  5. We will promote the development of expertise in each position.

Internal Environmental Improvement Policy

  1. We believe it is important to ensure diversity at all job levels and in management, and we will promote hiring and promotion according to ability and experience regardless of age, gender, or nationality.
  2. We will enhance internal systems that help employees balance their professional and family lives (e.g., time off in units of hours, flexible working hours, etc.).
    (e.g., time off in increments of hours, flextime work, telecommuting, combined work, limited-area work, welcome back, various types of training, etc.)
  3. Enhance training programs to improve expertise in each position.
  4. We will promote the use of IT systems such as My Career for thinking about one’s career, My Voice for communicating awareness and requests to the company and superiors, etc.
  5. We will promote a career consulting system that respects the wishes of individuals and a self-career dock system for all employees.

Diversity & Inclusion
Human Resource Development

We have introduced CMS (Career Management System) that allows each employee to consider his or her own career and to develop his or her career through interaction with the company and superiors. In addition, we are promoting the creation of a system for human resource development that takes diversity into consideration through selective training and a personnel rotation system.
To promote these systems, we are also working to improve the internal environment, including IT systems such as My Career for thinking about one’s career and My Voice for communicating requests to the company and superiors, a career consulting system for career support, and a self-career docking system for all employees.