Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Based on our management philosophy of "contributing to healthcare through the development and marketing of superior, state-of-the-art medical devices," we will identify materiality (important issues) and fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR) through ESG activities, while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  • We will consider what we can do for the global environment “as a company” and “as individuals”, and act accordingly.
  • We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society in cooperation with the international community.


  • We will strive to improve the quality of life of patients by supplying products with high efficacy and safety.
  • We will promote diversity and inclusion, and develop initiatives to respect diversity.


  • We will improve our internal controls and risk management, comply with laws and regulations, and conduct fair and honest corporate activities.
  • We will strive to ensure appropriate information disclosure and transparency.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a set of international development goals, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in 2015, consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets in order to realize a sustainable and better world by 2030.

Sustainability Governance Structure

Our Board of Directors recognizes that addressing issues related to sustainability (such as consideration for global environmental issues such as climate change, respect for human rights, consideration for the health and working environment of employees, fair and appropriate treatment of employees, fair and appropriate transactions with business partners, and crisis management for natural disasters) is an important management issue that not only reduces risk but also leads to profit opportunities. We have established the Sustainability Committee to promote activities related to sustainability (ESG activities). Based on the basic policy formulated by the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Committee discusses important issues related to the Group’s sustainability, promotes ESG activities, periodically evaluates the performance of ESG activities, and reports to the Board of Directors on the results of the Committee’s discussions and evaluations.


  • ① Each of our employees considers what can be done to protect the environment and works toward the annual goals.
  • ② We make every effort to achieve a paperless office by using recyclable logistical materials, and reducing the use of cardboard.
  • ③ Our head office building is equipped with LED lighting to reduce power consumption.
  • ④ We strive to reduce energy consumption by adopting hybrid vehicles as our company vehicles.
  • ⑤ Response to TCFD Recommendations

    Response to TCFD Recommendations

  • ① Management Philosophy: Contribute to medical care through the development of leading-edge medical devices.
  • ② Provision of safe and reliable medical devices to patients
    • We produce high-quality medical devices with high efficacy and safety to improve the quality of life of the increasing number of patients in the aging society.
  • ③ Donation
    • We promote donation activities for the development of medical engineering in orthopedic surgery.
  • ④ Career Management System
    • Under the slogan of “Creating a workplace where employees can take an active role regardless of gender,” we promote initiatives to manage career development through interaction between employees (themselves) and their supervisors.
    • The IT system “My Career” creates opportunities for employees to reflect on their careers and think about their future careers.
    • The IT system “My Voice” provides the company with the voices of employees and leads to better company management.
    • We will promote a system in which employees can freely consult with in-house career consultants.
  • ⑤ Diversity Management
    • We aim to increase the ratio of women in managerial positions, in order to create a workplace where employees can take an active role in our workplace regardless of gender.
    • We promote job creation for foreign nationals and the disabled.
    • We develop various human resources systems and evaluation systems that enable employees to balance work with medical treatment, nursing care, and childcare.
    • We strive to create a harassment-free workplace.

Trends in percentage of women working in managerial positions(PDF)

  • ⑥ Human Resource Development
    • A list of job classifications and job requirements will help you recognize your role and what you are aiming for, leading to effective education and training.
    • In addition to OJT, we systematize training programs as OFF-JT.
  • ⑦ Employment security
    • We will reduce the ratio of non-regular employees.
  • ⑧ Initiatives for recruitment
    • We will engage in recruitment activities by disclosing CMS activities and other information.
    • We will aim to create job content that is interesting to both men and women, and regardless of sexual orientation.
  • ⑨ Occupational Safety and Health
    • Health managers are assigned to the Head Office and Tokyo Product Center to promote safety and health patrol activities.

Trends in percentage of temporary employees(PDF)

    • ① We always be conscious of and comply with the Corporate Governance Code.

Corporate Governance

  • ② Risk Management
    • We connect the risk analysis by the Risk Management Committee to our action plan.
  • ③ Compliance
    • We strive to comply with all laws and regulations, and the Fair Competition Code of the medical devices industry.
  • ④ In accordance with the Transparency Guidelines for the medical device industry, information on funds for payment is disclosed.
  • ⑤ Quality Management
    • We ensure the safety and quality of medical devices based on ISO13485:ISO9001.
  • ⑥ Global Supply Chain Management
    • We aim to optimize inventory and improve logistics efficiency through our global supply chain management initiatives.
  • ⑦ Portfolio Management
    • We will strive to make appropriate and prompt management decisions based on our product portfolio.

    Portfolio Management