Sustainability Governance Structure
Our Board of Directors recognizes that addressing issues related to sustainability (such as consideration for global environmental issues such as climate change, respect for human rights, consideration for the health and working environment of employees, fair and appropriate treatment of employees, fair and appropriate transactions with business partners, and crisis management for natural disasters) is an important management issue that not only reduces risk but also leads to profit opportunities. We have established the Sustainability Committee to promote activities related to sustainability (ESG activities). Based on the basic policy formulated by the Board of Directors, the Sustainability Committee discusses important issues related to the Group’s sustainability, promotes ESG activities, periodically evaluates the performance of ESG activities, and reports to the Board of Directors on the results of the Committee’s discussions and evaluations.
(1)Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee shall deliberate on the Group’s cross-cutting policies, strategies, and plans for the promotion of sustainability. We also recognize that addressing the sustainability issues presented by the SDGs and other issues is a materiality that will not only reduce our business continuity risk, but also lead to profit opportunities. We aim to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR).
(2)Risk Management Committee
We have established a Risk Management Committee to formulate risk management policies and plans for the various risks surrounding our group’s business, with the aim of spreading awareness of risk management and early detection of risks.
(3)Compliance Committee
We have established a Compliance Committee to formulate policies and plans for compliance with laws, regulations, and rules with the aim of fostering a compliance-oriented corporate culture.
(4) Human Capital Committee
We have established a Human Capital Committee to promote activities related to human capital management under our “Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives.